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What’s in your bag
22.11.2014, 12:55
Title of lesson What´s in your bag
By Svetlana Volodina, school-gymnasium # 2, Aktobe
Student Profile Ages 10-11, 5th grade, basic level
Class Profile 15 students, 1 hour
Target Language The verb to be with possessive adjectives (my, his, her). Articles a,
an, Nouns of personal things and school objects.
Target Content Name personal items, school and classroom objects. Personal
things that important to them involving personalization of language.

Objectives By the end of the lesson, students will:
• Be able to ask and answer questions about personal things
• Be able to acquire new vocabulary by asking the same question when they do not know the names of objects in English
• Be able to talk about personal items that matter to them.
• Be autonomous in a conversation with a native speaker if they need to know names of things in English.
• Understand personal and cultural differences in relation to their personal belongings.
• Display their uniqueness by being personal, thus building their self-esteem.
• Identify cognates and rely on schemata to retrieve previous knowledge
• Work cooperatively to work in pairs
• Be aware of their role on learning and how important they are for their learning community.
• Use definite articles, verb to be, and possessive adjectives to talk about personal belongings, school, and classroom objects.
• Use questions to improve vocabulary
• Realize that the language class goes beyond the classroom walls
Materials Flashcards with pictures of personal belongings, school and classroom
objects Ask students to bring objects or pictures of things that are
portant to them Scotch tape and labels with names of personal
longings, school and classroom objects

Source Write down the source of the text or materials being used (if you got them
from another source) Not applicable
Procedure Describe the various steps/tasks in the activity. Next to each step or task,
please indicate the approximate length of time for that activity (see below).
You may have as many tasks as appropriate.

Task 1 Into(-- 5 mins):
Take flash cards with pictures of objects and personal things and labels with corresponding names with space for the indefinite article (a, an) to class. Inform students that those are your things. Get one item that you are sure students can name and ask: “What’s this?” Accept any answer that contains the correct name of the object (book, a book, it´s a book). Take tags one by one and get students to repeat objects’ names after you. As you do this, place them on the floor. Next hand out pictures to students (at least two for each – items can be repeated) and ask them to stick them on the walls.
Once they are done with sticking pictures on the classroom walls, ask them to label the items correctly adding A or An to them. Let them work individually walking around and labeling the flashcards. Instruct them to get one label at a time.

Task 2 through(-- 10 mins):
Write A and An on the board. Elicit from students when one or the other is used. They will probably know from regular school. Now, focus on the “What’s this? question on the board. Ask the question pointing to one of the flash cards on the wall. Get\-teach complete answer “It´s a book.”
Pair students up and tell them to walk around the class asking each other the question and checking if the labels are placed correctly under the flashcards. Give feedback by asking whole class and getting answers while you walk around and point to the pictures on the walls.

Task 3 Beyond (-- 15 mins): (make sure you tell students the class before to bring more personal stuff (picture, drawing, realia) to this class in their bags)
Get your own bag and have students ask questions about your belongings. Answer their questions giving complete answers and introducing My (It is my book). Now ask students to get their bags. Pair them up with a different classmate. Explain that now they will have to hold objects or pictures of their stuff and answer their partner’s question. Once they have finished, they should switch roles going through their partners personal belongings. Have them do it with another pair and this time tell them to try to memorize the names of items and keep their partner’s bag when they are done.

Task 3 Beyond (-- 10 mins): (make sure you tell students the class before to bring more personal stuff (picture, drawing, realia) to this class in their bags)
Get your own bag and have students ask questions about your belongings. Answer their questions giving complete answers and introducing My (It is my book). Now ask students to get their bags. Pair them up with a different classmate. Explain that now they will have to hold objects or pictures of their stuff and answer their partner’s question. Once they have finished, they should switch roles going through their partners personal belongings. Have them do it with another pair and this time tell them to try to memorize the names of items and keep their partner’s bag when they are done.

Task 4 Extension ( - 5 Minutes)
Elicit\-teach HIS\-HER. Pair students up with new partners and have them ask and answer questions (this time about someone else’s personal belongings using the third person in their answers. Model the activity with one or two students to make sure they have understood.
Категория: Английский Язык | Добавил: Злой_Админ)) | Теги: What’s, bag, Your, in
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