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Урок в 7 классе. - английский язык
22.11.2014, 12:43

The Date: 31st of January The Day: Monday
The Class: 7
The Theme: At the Doctor’s. Unit 4. Step 3.
The Aims: to teach students to use the names of illnesses and parts of the body in their speech, to develop student’s skills in reading, speaking, listening, writing, to teach students to work in groups, to bring up the healthy way of life and interest to the English language.
The connections with other subjects: Biology, Kazakh, Russian.
The type: travelling about the country “Health”
The form: a group – work
The methods: oral, playing, visual, interaction,
The additional material: an interactive board, slides, pieces of paper, music.
Plan of the lesson
I. Warming up.
1. Greeting: Good morning! How are you?
2. T Class: The day, the date, the weather.
3. T Well, boys and girls let’s begin our lesson. We shall work in groups. Now look at the board. There is a task for you, you must guess the theme of the travelling. Find the word to buy the tickets for the train. ... is above wealth. The first wealth is …. All right. Can you tell me the proverbs in Russian and Kazakh.
P1, P2 …

Very good! I want to begin our lessons “Health” with this proverb “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”. Now translate it into our native language. Wonderful! Let s continue our travelling.
II. Basic
The 1st station. “Scrambled words”
I. 1. ismnoani II. 1. thaecohot
2. hdaecaeh 2. ufl
3. ubnr 3. cgohu
Station #2. Read the words and divide into two groups.
I. Illnesses II. Parts of the body
Sore throat, leg, foot, toothache, hand, ear, insomnia, head, eye, headache, a cold, the flu, backache, tooth, nose, bur, cough, lip.
Station #3. Match the words and pictures
A headache
a stomachache
a backache
a toothache
a burn
a sore throat
a cold
the flu
The 4th. Station. Complete the Smiles “Food for health”
Smile(good food) Smile(bad food)

Station #5. The hidden words “Health”.
m u s g n u d g r a
i h o l i c l i n i
x e r i n s o m n c
t a e a r a c h i p
u d t h r o a t a i
r a c h e l b a t l
e d e p u l s e r l
f l u n t b u r n s

Station #6
Let’ s play
Visit to the policlinics
At the doctor’s
You have the dialogues, read them and dramatize them.
I. group
- Hello, dear doctor! I am …….
- Hello, ….! How are you?
- Oh, very bad!
- Why? What’s the matter?
- I have a cold, a cough, a running hose, I am very ill.
- Well, May I see?
Strip to the waist, please.
I want to listen to your lungs and chest, let’s take your temperature. Oh it’s 38.8
- Well,…... It is the flu.
- What should I take for the flu?
- Go to bed and rest. Take coldrex, aspirin ,drink milk with lemon and honey.
-Thank you, doctor. Good-bye!
-Good-bye! Be healthy.
II.group At the dentist’s
- Hello, dear doctor. My name is………..
- What troubles you?
- I have a toothache. I can’t eat, I have a high temperature.
- Open your mouth, please. Oh, You have a swelling gum, a filling has come out.
- Please, pull this tooth. It is painfull. Oh, oh.
- That’s all.Don’t eat now. Gargle your mouth with herbs, take some aspirin. Don’t eat many sweets, much sugar and chocolate. Clean your teeth.
- Thanks. Good-bye.
- Good-bye. Thank you very much.

Station #7.
And now listen to me I shall read the symptoms of some illnesses and you must make diagnoses.
1. I’ve got a high temperature .My body aches .I feel awful. What is it? (the flu)
2. Zhansaya wasn’t at school. She had a temperature, she had a terrible cough, she was sick and giddy.It hurt when she swallowed .What was it? (a sore throat)
3. My Granny is very old she often has pains in her back. It hurts when she walks . It is (a backache)
4. My friend likes to eat sweets, chocolate very much. His gums are bleeding and swelling(…)
The last station: ’’Let’s sing’’. The song’s name is ‘’I don’t want….” Take these pieces of paper, there are some gaps in them, you have to fill them after listening , then we shall sing the song together

III. The ending of the lesson: Well , boys and girls! We arrived to the railway station. Thank you very . Was the lesson interesting? Put down your hometask: write a dialogue, learn the words of the song. Your marks, please. Stand up, look at each other, look at our guests , smile, please and let’s wish to every person ”Be healthy!’’ The lesson is over. Good bye!

1. Every time I have a headache
Mama takes me to the doctor.
Every time I have a headache
Mama takes me to the doc.
I have a headache,
I have a headache
I don’t want to go to bed.
I have a headache,
I have a headache.
I don’t want to go to bed.

2. Every time I have a stomachache
Mama takes me to the doctor.
Every time I have a stomachache
Mama takes me to the doc.
I have a stomachache,
I have a stomachache.
I don’t want to eat my lunch.
I have a stomachache,
I have a stomachache.
I don’t want to eat my lunch.
3. Every time I have a toothache
Mama takes me to the dentist.
Every time I have a toothache
Mama takes me to the dentist.
I have a toothache,
I have a toothache.
I don’t want to clean my teeth.
I have a toothache,
I have a toothache.
I don’t want to clean my teeth

Категория: Английский Язык | Добавил: Злой_Админ)) | Теги: урок, язык, Английский, классе.
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